Saturday, January 28, 2017

So, What IS ShadowWork?

ShadowWork was originally created by Carl Jung to help people bring the darkest parts of themselves to Light for healing and transformation. This essential aspect of healing is one that many people shy away from, believing that in order to transcend the negativity and darkness of the world we must only focus on the positive. But denying this part of who we are is oppressive and continues the cycles of violence and abuse.

Not all perceived darkness is negative.

"Our deepest wounds frequently spring from our greatest gifts, and by acknowledging these gifts,
we can speed and deepen our own healing." — Ken Page

To stay away from this side of who we are only holds us back and makes those aspects of ourselves more powerful. It causes us to do things we're ashamed of and to believe things we know aren't true.

Our deepest wounds have the ability to render us feeling unloved, unlovable, undeserving, damaged, and unworthy. We like to pretend that this isn't the case by painting ourselves to be someone we aren't to be socially accepted and seen as successful through the eyes of those who we're fooling or trying to impress.

Many roots of trauma exist in our childhood's, sometimes from our physical birth. There is collective trauma that lives within our human history that continues to breed fear, aggression, anger, and confusion. Then there's the trauma of growing up in a world where bullying, violence, and oppression is passed down from generation to generation.

"The very qualities we’re most ashamed of — the ones we try to sweep under the rug so others don’t notice — are key in finding true happiness within ourselves." — Lindsay, The Daily Awe

Core gifts can feel like shameful weaknesses, like a curse or a fault. But we cannot be whole without accepting ALL parts of ourselves. This doesn't mean we cannot change our minds about how we see ourselves or what we choose to believe about who we are, but that if we have behaviors and beliefs that we no longer want to exhibit or carry, we can let them go.

It can be hard at times to believe that what we've experienced by the hands of another isn't personal. It feels personal, it looks personal, and it can sound personal~ but it isn't.

Everyone is operating from their level of understanding of the world and from their personal experience of it. Most abusers were abused, most liars were lied to, and most thieves were stolen from. That doesn't make an ounce of it ok, but having an attitude based in compassion is how we're going to move forward and leave behind what no longer serves us.

A lot of us have pain, disappointment, and regret living within us that could've been avoided had we listened to what our intuition was trying to tell us. We have to take responsibility for what's ours to be responsible for while we forgive ourselves and everyone involved.

This doesn't mean that we allow what we thought broke us back into our lives or that we allow more of the same to continue, but that we take what we've learned and apply it now and always.

Sometimes things happen out of what seems like nowhere that uproots our life as we know it and leaves us dumbfounded and feeling desecrated. We watch people we love and trust violate us in the worst of ways as we spiral out of control from trying to understand why. 

The truth is, it's hurt people hurting people.

Forgiveness isn't a word to take lightly, even though it's thrown around like a hot potato. Forgiveness is an action that starts with the desire to let go of what no longer serves. It's compassion in action that sees humanity as an opportunity to do what hasn't worked differently.

Sometimes we have to forgive the same things more than once because just as we didn't pick up these self-destructive habits and beliefs in an instant, it can be a hard process to unlearn the things that have influenced a big part of who we are today. 

And sometimes simply accepting ourselves for who we are and others for who they choose to be is the path of least resistance.

If you truly enjoy something and it isn't causing you or anyone and anything harm, why beat yourself up about it? Why beat yourself up anyway? Why not just move on?

Because of our lack of courage and our fear of change. 

We don't want to face what we believe is ugly, unlovable, or unacceptable about ourselves. If we don't do ShadowWork, we're only pretending to be the light that we truly are rather than actually embodying and connecting with it.

Courage nurtures our ability to feel connected and connection is a big part of why we're here. Connection opens us up to new worlds and new experiences that only flexibility and creativity can navigate. We must cultivate our motivation for learning, exploring, and growing!

The problem is most of us feel more disconnected than ever, in spite of the multi-faceted database of friends we collect on social media platforms and the identities we take on to fool ourselves into believing we're making real connections.

By denying who we are, we cannot simultaneously move forward in a way that will bless our lives. Shame is often-times the source of fear, insecurity, doubt, indecision, inconsistency, isolation, pride, and regret.

When we experience emotions, and whether we label them positive or negative, they are guides inviting us on a journey deeper into the parts of who we are and where we've come from. 

Take a moment to understand what makes you feel what you're feeling and why you're feeling it. Center yourself and dive deeper into your soul through taking deep breaths and having patience with your ability to hear what your soul is saying. Don't try to influence the answers you receive, for this will only be a response from your ego.

This is where patience and confidence come in. Focus and concentration are key elements here! What we focus on expands and expansion can be the process of spreading our wings and growing into who we truly are. We aren't designed to be like everyone else. We all have our individual path and purpose.

Grace is the remedy to shame. It's the strength to strive for excellence, not perfectionism, in all that we do. It's what we receive when we're at one with ourselves instead of in conflict. It's redemption from the self-imposed prison of guilt, shame, and insecurity.

We can give ourselves grace by loving ourselves enough to care about who and what we allow into our lives. This doesn't mean ignore what needs to change, but quite the opposite: embrace it knowing it will only lead to something better.

What gifts rest within the heart of your current struggles? What passions lead you into vulnerability? What is your message to the world? What problem are you here to solve? How do you promote the good of others? Who do you want to help?

The Gift you're here to share resides where your profound happiness meets the world's deepest desire. Once you decide on who you want to help, how you're going to do it, and what it will accomplish~ you'll be unstoppable.

To Your Success,
Melissa Nelson

Friday, January 27, 2017

ShadowWork And Manifesting With The New Moon

The New Moon is the perfect time to welcome transformation, growth, and abundance. 
It's the birthing of a new lunar cycle when we get to see the shadow side of the moon in all her glory. 

She provides us with soil for us to plant our seeds and intentions that we'll tend to over the next four weeks, and with continued effort, manifestations will come into being faster and faster.

This is a time when we go within ourselves... deep within ourselves, to investigate our current lifestyles, habits, thought processes, and internal dialogue of all sorts to cultivate balance, compassion, and confidence.

We learn to love and accept those aspects of ourselves that we don't want others to know about or that we hate about ourselves. We illuminate these elements through self-exploration to understand where and what underlying beliefs and experiences they are sprouting from. We search for the roots.

It can be mentally difficult to navigate through these types of things, so to help ease this suffering simply remind yourself that you're remembering who you are more and more every day and as long as you don't quit, you can't fail. We all fall short sometimes and we can pick up right where we fell off.

Everything about who you are has been changed by who know, who you've known, where you've been, what you've seen and heard, how and what you were taught by others,
not to mention your general experience as a human on this planet.

The media and advertising industries tell us that we're not sufficient as we are in every possible way and it encourages us to do things and be people that we'd rather not do or be. But, we do it. 

We do it because we're taught how to not be confident, how to speak when spoken to, how to be who everyone else wants us to be, to doubt ourselves, to abuse ourselves and to allow others to abuse us. 
We're taught that if we don't look a certain way or live a certain way, we're not acceptable or we're lower than. We're manipulated to believe in illusions and lies and the truth makes people angry.

Until we take responsibility for ourselves and our sovereign right to not be mistreated,
this is how it will stay. 

Integrity means doing the right thing when no-one is watching. Anyone can act right when they're around people they want to impress- Impress yourself.

Do the right thing for yourself. Believe in yourself. Cheer yourself on. Love yourself. Care about yourself. 

Use this New Moon energy to set intentions that help you discover who you are, going deeper and deeper every single time you look within. Let it usher in the birth of who you want to be.

Center yourself by placing one hand over your heart and the other over your solar plexus.
Take a few deep, cleansing breaths while holding your hands in these positions
for at least 13 to 33 seconds,
and throughout the rest of the visualization.

Envision a violet fire blazing in your heart, pulsating and soothing
everything currently being held in this space.

Breathe into any anger you feel in your heart until it changes to compassion.

Breathe into any hostility, stress, or pain that you may feel anywhere in your body to surrender control and allow yourself to hear what it's trying to tell you.

Breathe into sadness, fear, anxiety, and depression to let go of the past, the future,
and what you cannot change.

Breathe in peace, love, light, and clarity.

Connect with the fire in your heart and envision it burning brighter and bigger, smoldering all that no longer serves your highest good.

And throughout your day, when you find you're loosing your grip on tranquility, put your hands back where they are now and take ten deep breaths~ filling your belly fully and visualizing the flame in your heart burning through anything that disrupts your peace.

Melissa Nelson

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Return to Light

Hell Has Many Mansions. —Marianne Williamson

Love casts out fear like light casts out darkness. Violence, war, crime, and oppression affects every living thing on this planet. Plants, trees, animals, water, children, men, women, EVERYONE & EVERYTHING suffers when we abuse our power and allow others to abuse theirs towards us.

We cannot change people, but we can stand up for what we believe in and we can intervene when we witness human rights being violated and our world being raped and pillaged by greedy corporations and people.

Change comes from within. 

{God} is love within. Whether we allow love in or not is our choice and when we choose to be one with love, life is amazing. 

It doesn’t have to be called God, but that’s what it is. Peace comes from loving and it’s very difficult to love with a closed heart and mind!

I’m a spiritual person, and I like researching the metaphors of the christian bible. 

For example, Adam and Eve were happy living in their beautiful world until the “snake” came along and persuaded Eve to eat of the knowledge of good and evil, meaning perfect love was present until judgment and a half-closed heart came into the picture.

Hence, the Fall of mankind.

Enter doubt, judgement, guilt, shame, anger, fear, distress, emotional pain, obsession, envy, rage, anxiety, depression, contempt, sadness, disgust, disappointment, worry, revenge, grief, withdrawal, blame, control, perfectionism, embarrassment, pride, crime, violence, war, oppression, and hatred.

To surrender means to ask for help; To Let go and Let Love lead the way. We co-create through love, willingness, non-judgment, and by believing that a power greater than ourselves can restore our ability to mentally grasp harmonious ways of being and living to bring us closer together.

There is no I in team and not one of us can take on injustice alone. 

For this reason, we must be unshakeable. Unshakeable in truth, love, awareness, and faith. We all face situations and circumstances that render us unnerved. We’ve all experienced some degree of abuse and violence, even if we think our lives have always been perfect. 

We’ve had to look fear in the eye more than once, more than ten times, more than a hundred. 

We’ve all had a reason to doubt keeping faith and pressing forward. We’ve all had our patience tried numerous times and we’ve all felt like a hot mess, defeated, worn-out, and like we couldn’t relate to anyone else. We’ve all felt alone.

And it’s all okay.


The agitating, bewildering, discouraging, terrifying, weak moments that we’ve experienced do not define us. The deep, isolating journey many of us have known and endured has been long and cruel— but there is a Light at the end of the tunnel, guiding us home to Love.

Oppression is internal, as external as it may seem. It’s paralyzing and disgusting, and it renders us fearful, limited, and self-loathing. It makes us do crazy things and keeps us from bliss, joy, happiness, love, and pleasure.

Happiness spreads your wings, joy lifts you off the ground, bliss carries you everywhere you can imagine wanting to go, and pleasure is the external experience of the body and senses.

Bliss is being-ness, free from duality where no words can describe the elation and no opposite can be imagined. It’s our natural state of being.

Joy comes from the soul and is sourced from within. No outside circumstance or situation creates joy, but it IS reflected outwards around us. It’s created and nurtured by inner-security and an attitude of gratitude.

Happiness is in the mind and usually needs an external trigger to feel it, although it isn’t purely necessary. Just as we can think ourselves healthy, we can think ourselves happy.
If we want to go deeper, we can delve into OM and I Am. 

OM, AhhOhhhMMMMM, is the primordial sound of creation. No other mantra matches its resonance in the human body. When OM and its frequency are sent through a cymatic device, it creates a perfect circle with no end and no beginning. It is a multi-faceted, universal, and infinite sound, creating depth, connectedness, and healing.

“Om is an experience rather than an arbitrary verbal label. It is a true symbol charged with numinous power. Experienceable in deep meditation, it is a sign of the omnipresence of Ishvara [the Divine] as manifest on the level of sound. . . . In other words, the human voice is employed to reproduce a “sound” which is continually “recited” by the universe itself — an idea, which in the Pythagorean School came to be known as the “harmony of the spheres.” —Georg Feuerstein 

I Am is pure presence and creation. It is the mystical heart, the permanent atom of being, our true identity; The God within. It can never be separated from us, no matter what we believe. 

Self-limiting beliefs and destructive thoughts are all that stands between who really are and who we perceive ourselves to be. We are not the fragile mortals we’ve been led to believe we are. We are immortal; Only the body can die.

Our personal experience of evolution and what we go through in our lives is all meant to propel us into the realization of our True Self. All we really need is truly within us. 

We can get caught up in how things that happen feel and it can throw us off track and lead us to believe that we always have to be on guard to protect ourselves.

The trouble with this is that it leaves our hearts half open and keeps us in a state of constant fear, worry, doubt, and confusion. 

Through spiritual alchemy and forgiveness of self and others, we can transcend matters of the third dimension and ascend into the higher realms of bliss, healing, and living where real power, love, and wisdom reside.

We can set the sacred, ever burning flame in our hearts ablaze through making conscious choices, by practicing mindfulness, and with self-awareness that leads to self-mastery. We care for this fire through clarity, unicity, innocence, consciousness, alive silence, truth, and spontaneity, which also balances karma. And we share this fire with all whom we meet along the way.

Let’s walk towards the Light at the end of the tunnel together.

Will you Vow to keep the Sacred Flame burning in Your heart?

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Find Yourself in Service to Others

We are visionaries, leaders, friends, teachers, and lovers. We’re here to inspire, empower, create, and be the example of what Higher Humanity looks like. We don’t do it for money, power, fame, fortune, or to control anyone else. We share our courage, strength, and hope and hold each other in unconditional love. We pray together, cry together, laugh together, dream together, and share sacred space together.

We pray together. We give and receive healing.
We Support Each Other.

For a ONE TIME donation of $37:

Learn how to cleanse, heal, and purify your life, body, mind, and emotions
Receive a personalized prescription for vital health and abundant living
Exclusive access to  Intuitive Evolution, a downloadable E-book on developing intuition
Our E-course, Smudging for Balance, and a certificate of completion that recognizes you as a Smoke Bowl Practitioner who can offer House Blessings and Sacred Ceremonies

The donation you’re providing will go towards efforts to educate communities all over the world about violence, abuse, trafficking, and healing from all these and MORE.


Participate in the Planetary Healing Circle located online at every Full Moon (USA time), receive an attunement to the first degree of Reiki, receive inspirational rituals that you can incorporate into even the most demanding schedule, and also receive a calendar of short but powerful daily practices that you can integrate to deepen your connection with all of life, love, and the Divine within.

The Not So Small Print:

Self-respect, respect for others, and respect for all life is required. Absolutely no violence, sexism, classism, racism, colorism, ableism, lookism, or any other oppressive ism will be tolerated. This is a sacred circle and we are united in solidarity, compassion, empathy, and creative expression.

heal yourself, heal the world.

Join our Planetary healing circle!!!