Saturday, January 21, 2017

Find Yourself in Service to Others

We are visionaries, leaders, friends, teachers, and lovers. We’re here to inspire, empower, create, and be the example of what Higher Humanity looks like. We don’t do it for money, power, fame, fortune, or to control anyone else. We share our courage, strength, and hope and hold each other in unconditional love. We pray together, cry together, laugh together, dream together, and share sacred space together.

We pray together. We give and receive healing.
We Support Each Other.

For a ONE TIME donation of $37:

Learn how to cleanse, heal, and purify your life, body, mind, and emotions
Receive a personalized prescription for vital health and abundant living
Exclusive access to  Intuitive Evolution, a downloadable E-book on developing intuition
Our E-course, Smudging for Balance, and a certificate of completion that recognizes you as a Smoke Bowl Practitioner who can offer House Blessings and Sacred Ceremonies

The donation you’re providing will go towards efforts to educate communities all over the world about violence, abuse, trafficking, and healing from all these and MORE.


Participate in the Planetary Healing Circle located online at every Full Moon (USA time), receive an attunement to the first degree of Reiki, receive inspirational rituals that you can incorporate into even the most demanding schedule, and also receive a calendar of short but powerful daily practices that you can integrate to deepen your connection with all of life, love, and the Divine within.

The Not So Small Print:

Self-respect, respect for others, and respect for all life is required. Absolutely no violence, sexism, classism, racism, colorism, ableism, lookism, or any other oppressive ism will be tolerated. This is a sacred circle and we are united in solidarity, compassion, empathy, and creative expression.

heal yourself, heal the world.

Join our Planetary healing circle!!!

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