Friday, February 3, 2017

I Am Authentic

How am I so happy and yet so sad at the same time?

What’s wrong with wanting all my reasons to rhyme?

I look in the mirror grateful that I survived
and simultaneously wonder how I’m alive

How much suffering can one person take?
If I’m not being crucified, I’m burned at the stake.

What’s wrong with wanting all suffering to end?
Why is that most only have one true friend, if that?

How many people must I be forced to walk away from?
Why do I want to feel when I’ve always wanted to be numb?

What has changed in me that’s causing this revolution?
How did I break free from the institution…

that broke me into a million tiny pieces
and told me salvation lies in my thesis?


My worth isn’t found in textbooks or assignments
or in someone else’s interpretation of my alignment
with who I know, where I'm going, and where I’ve been
or the balance between my yang and my yin.

I determine my value and where I’m going,
whether I’m growing or whether I’m towing
baggage from thoughts I refuse to heal
or letting them go in order to reveal

exactly who I Am.

Limitless, powerful, sexual, and expansive~

I Am.

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